Community Life at Arbor Oaks in Andover

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Engaging Events for an Exciting Life

We can’t stress enough how important staying physically active and engaged in one’s community is. We provide our residents with many exciting activities, events, and outings to enrich their lives.

Our team also listens to all requests made by our residents! If there’s an activity, hobby, or trip you want to experience, let us know, and we’ll make it happen.

Visit this page often to stay up-to-date on our current events and activities. And, if you’re interested in seeing our community for yourself, call us for a tour today!

Why Choose Us?

What’s life without a little adventure? Arbor Oaks features an ever-changing list of community events to engage you mentally, physically, and spiritually! Experience fun-filled afternoons involving stretching, yoga, bingo, music, game shows, and so much more!

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At Arbor Oaks, you get to live life the way you deserve. Our lifestyle options are designed to address your every need, no matter what. And as your needs change, so do our lifestyle plans.

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It’s never been so obvious how important health and safety are. We’ve enhanced our disinfection procedures and safety protocols to provide the best for our residents at Arbor Oaks.

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Our Location

Where to Find Us

Access our community from Hanson Boulevard and 155th Lane NW. We’re located in a quiet neighborhood in Andover with easy access to shopping, dining, and medical clinics.

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Our Address

1640 155th Lane NW
Andover, MN 55304

Contact Us

Phone: 763-205-2238


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