Our Community at Arbor Oaks in Andover

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Committed to Superior Care

At Arbor Oaks Senior Living, we have one goal: to enrich the lives of those we serve. Everything we do is designed to provide our residents with the tools and ability to live the life you’ve always wanted.

Our vibrant community and highly-trained staff are here to make your life easier and more engaging. We take the stress and worry out of household and personal chores so you can focus on what really matters to you. After all, the journey is what really matters, so it’s important to us that you have the time to truly enjoy it.

Schedule a tour of our community today and see what makes Arbor Oaks different from all the others!

Proudly Serving the Heart of American

Arbor Oaks Senior Living is a proud member of the Lifespark family of senior living communities.

Lifespark Senior Living has been empowering the independence of its residents for over 30 years. They focus on providing care and support based on a holistic approach that puts the individual’s needs above all else. This approach drives everything we do.

Our commitment to our residents includes programming built on the 7 Dimensions of Wellness to help foster their physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. Our residents’ happiness makes us who we are.

Our Mission

Spark Lives and Empower Seniors to Age Magnificently

Our Commitments

Respect Everyone for Who They Are & Who They May Become

Every resident, visitor, and staff member is treated with respect, dignity, and courtesy. Our team is committed to remaining positive and greeting everyone with a smile.

We welcome everyone and offer a selection of choices as unique as they are. Our staff addresses every need with urgency and aims to anticipate those needs before they occur.

Our staff members are devoted to going above and beyond for every resident. We do this by only making promises we can keep, offering apologies and never excuses, resolving everyone’s concerns, and acting as part of the Tealwood team.

Why Choose Us?

What’s life without a little adventure? Arbor Oaks features an ever-changing list of community events to engage you mentally, physically, and spiritually! Experience fun-filled afternoons involving stretching, yoga, bingo, music, game shows, and so much more!

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At Arbor Oaks, you get to live life the way you deserve. Our lifestyle options are designed to address your every need, no matter what. And as your needs change, so do our lifestyle plans.

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It’s never been so obvious how important health and safety are. We’ve enhanced our disinfection procedures and safety protocols to provide the best for our residents at Arbor Oaks.

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Our Location

Where to Find Us

Access our community from Hanson Boulevard and 155th Lane NW. We’re located in a quiet neighborhood in Andover with easy access to shopping, dining, and medical clinics.

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Our Address

1640 155th Lane NW
Andover, MN 55304

Contact Us

Phone: 763-205-2238


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