When it comes time to help an older loved one find their next home that suits their unique needs and desires, it can be exciting, especially with so many options. Independent Living and Assisted Living are two such options, but these terms can feel unfamiliar to those who haven’t heard them. Fortunately, the difference between […]
The Benefits of Moving into a Senior Living Community
Transitioning into a senior living community can unlock a whole new world of opportunities. It’s not just about a change in living arrangements; it’s about opening up to new possibilities, friendships, and a vibrant lifestyle. Senior living communities offer a fulfilling and engaged lifestyle that promotes well-being and personal growth. Imagine waking up every day […]
Can Someone Under 55 Live in a Senior Community?
There’s no rule that a senior must move to a senior living community in their golden years, but there are certainly some advantages and benefits to it. It’s even possible to move into some senior communities before you turn 55. But when is it time to kick into retirement gear and make some new friends? […]
What Are the Differences Between Aging and Dementia
Dementia is a loss of cognitive functioning that typically starts to emerge as we age into our later years. This disorder can become quite bothersome in daily life when it is mild, and in severe cases, it can pose a danger to the individual afflicted with it. At Arbor Oaks Senior Living, our staff is […]
5 Ways Community Living Helps Seniors
Being independent and free is a value that we all cherish, but whether it’s because of new-age or we’re just looking for a change of scenery, many of us begin to look into the benefits of living with others. Lifesprk Senior Living is founded on community support and positive senior experiences, and we pride ourselves […]
How Our Different Lifestyle Options Can Work for Your Needs
As we grow older and our bodies age, we might find ourselves slowing down and less active than we once were. Millions of Americans face this reality every day, which is why Lifesprk Senior Living is dedicated to helping seniors maintain their independence and keep activity levels up while providing them any medical support they […]
How Seniors Can Keep Their Nutrition Levels Healthy
Growing older, we may find we don’t have the energy we need to perform tasks that we love and enjoy. However, while it is natural for us to turn away from some activities and favor new ones, we should never become too tired to maintain a balanced diet. Here are just a few ways seniors […]
Top 5 Physical Activities Designed for Seniors
Dancing Whether it’s salsa, ballroom, jazz, or any other genre, dancing to your favorite music is an excellent way to stay in shape, as it combines endurance, cardio, and flexibility exercises into one routine. Millions of Americans are engaged in dancing as an exercise every year, and our passionate staff and caregivers are more than […]
How to Communicate with Non-Verbal Seniors
Communicating with a loved one who is unable to use verbal communication can seem incredibly challenging. No matter what is preventing their communication, the fact is that it has changed the way that we deliver information to them and the way that they receive it. Read more to see how you can communicate with the […]
The Importance of Visiting Family Members in Senior Living Communities
Moving a loved one into a senior living home is never an easy decision, so it’s important that you make a significant effort to help them feel at home by visiting them frequently. As they adjust to a new routine with different surroundings, they will look forward to the days that they get to see […]